Friday, July 8, 2011

You've got to meet Sean - Your life will never be the same again!

The purpose of this copywriting is to introduce and promote Sean Stephenson program Living At Cause to a General Audience. 

Let me guess: you want to be healthy, wealthy and happy?

Come on please admit that you want to have a great job that you love and that makes you lots of money, you want to be free, you want to have great relationships and you want to be in wonderful physical shape and feel joy every day?
You see, I know what you want!
How do I know? It's easy: you are human!
And that's the most natural desire for humans to feel!
Life within us is always seeking to expand.
And for life to expand, we all want the same thing:
Health, wealth, happiness and love!
So let's just admit we all have this dream.
Even if our life doesn't seem this way at all!

But yes I know what you're thinking, it's a big unreachable dream!
Not easy to reach!
Only few lucky people can make it!
Life is hard!
The economy is down!
Your conditions are difficult..

Ye ye ye.. I hear you!
Most probably you won't make it.
Because most probably you don't believe you can make it.
And so you won't even try!


Yes Sean is not your typical person.

He indeed has a rare genetic condition that made his bones fracture since childhood and left him 3 feet tall and confined to use a wheel-chair for life!

But Sean is no different than you and me.. he also desires an abundant life!

Yes he was born with an incredible challenge.
But he's no different than all of us. Sean also loves life!
He is a man, he also feels attraction to women.
He is a curious person, he also loves to travel and discover the world.
He is alive, he also needs to cover his material needs and make money.
He is caring, he also wants to contribute to our world.

You see Sean like all of us also desires health, wealth, happiness and love.
Just like you, just like me.

But can someone with his condition ever achieve this dream?

If the best people in the world are found struggling in our days?
If educated people in rich countries are barely covering their bills?
If beautiful and healthy persons are ending up lonely and heart-broke?
If most of us are struggling to make a decent living..
How can a 3 foot man on a wheel chair realize what we all dream of.. a healthy wealthy and happy life, full of peace and love and contribution?
It's impossible, isn't it?

I won't answer this question now because even if I do, you won't believe me.
Let me share with you few facts about Sean first.
Sean today is 35 years old.
He is a best-selling author.
An international speaker.
A highly sought-for coash.
He had an amazing dating life.
He travels around the world.
He is financially wealthy.
He has friends from around the world that love him.
And if all of that is not enough..
Sean is now getting married to his beautiful wife Mindie and is starting a family.

I know you still don't believe that Sean MADE IT!
Ant that's why I show you the next pictures so you see for yourself!

Love - Sean with his beautiful wife Mindie.
Business Success: Sean with entrepreneur Richard Branson
Friendship, love and appreciation: Sean with friends in MindValley
International recognition: Sean with the Dalai Lama.

And you know these above pictures are just a small sample!
I can share hundreds of other pictures of Sean with President Bill Clinton, or Anthony Robbins, or international speakers and friends and training audiences..
But this is just to give you an idea, so that you believe me if I tell you that Sean has made it!
He realized what we all dream of: an abundant life.

But how could Sean achieve all his dreams in his personal life?
In his relationships?
In his love life?
In his professional life and financial life??


From early age, and faced with such an incredible challenge, Sean has spent his time reading and introspecting and discovering personal development teachings and experimenting..
He wanted to know what makes a difference in achieving results?
He wanted to know what force can allow humans to transcend their callenges and conditions?
He wanted to know how could someone in his condition, achieve his heart-felt desires?
Until he finally got it!
Sean understood the truth.
And the truth is simple, but so powerful.
In Sean words:


And Sean practised the truth.
He discovered how to control his inner world.
The only world we can anyway control!
He learned how he can choose his thoughts.
Direct his emotions.
Create his believes.
And share his reality.
Yes Sean discovered how to manifest all his dreams.
This is a REALITY.
And he is the living proof of it.

And the GOOD NEWS is:
Sean is now sharing with all of us about his experience and about what he learned.

In speeches, and videos, and books, he lays it all down for us.
He presents it.
He explains it.
And he shows us all how we, too, can achieve all our dreams.
This is incredible information by an incredible Master.
You see, we humans can help eachother in this life.
After all, we all might have different conditions, but we're all the same.
We all want to be healthy, wealthy, and happy.
We all want to live abundant.
So don't tell me anymore that it is not possible.
Just look at Sean, and look within yourself, and tell me..
Can't you make it too???

Never have a single doubt about you ability anymore!

Click on the link below, and meet Sean in person
Let him speak to you
Let him guide you
Let him be one of your friends

Sean is on a mission
To destroy all the excuses that are holding us.
It's a gift for us from the Universe.

Let Sean empower you, teach you, touch you, and guide you.

Click on the link below and receive your free gift for yourself.

I told you, you've got to meet Sean.
Your life will never be the same again!

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