Saturday, July 9, 2011

Are you still struggling to pay your bills?? We need to have a serious talk!

OK I will tell you straight away.
Am here to teach you The Science of Getting Rich!

I know you want it.
Because we all do!
But what I also know is that you probably don't believe it wholeheartedly!
And that's why you feel reluctant when you hear about such topics!
Can getting rich be a science?
Why then is there so much poverty around?
What about all these stories that money don't grow on trees?
Yes I know deep in your heart you think it's a marketing title for a product that makes just a promise!
But it's not!

First I want to prove to YOU that the Science of Getting RICH is a REALITY!

Yes as real as the computer screen in front of your eyes!
Not a book title.
Not a product.
Not a promise.

So here we go!

Have you heard of the Movie the Secret? 
This is the famous book written by Rhonda Byrne about the Law of Attraction.
This book has become an immediate bestseller, selling millions and millions of books everywhere.
The teachers featuring in the movie became stars!
The law of attraction became Pop Culture!

Do you know the story of how the Secret started?
Rhonda Byrnes the author was facing difficulties in her life, and she was given a small book by her daughter to read.
The small book is written a century ago by a man called Wallace Wattles.
And the book name is The Science of Getting Rich!

Yes the phenomenally successful Secret Movie was inspired by the Science of Getting Rich book!

Now here's my very important question for you:

Whether you watched the Secret movie or not
Whether you liked the Secret book or not
Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not

I want you please to answer the following question:
Was the Secret movie a huge success or not?

The answer is obvious:
The success of the Secret book is REAL!
The sales of the Secret book are REAL!
The money and wealth created by the Secret book.. ARE REAL!

CAN YOU SEE that the SUCCESS of the Secret Book and the WEALTH it generated was REAL.
And it was all based on The Science of Getting Rich!

But wait that's not all.

Do you know who endorsed the Secret book?
I tell you:

Oprah Winfrey also endorsed the Science of Getting Rich message!
Yes, none other than Oprah!
She's the most successful media person of the world.
Wealthy and famous beyond measure.
Why in the world would she endorse something she doesn't believe in?
In her youtube interview, Oprah explains how the Secret message is real and how it helped her get the breakthrough in her life!
If you don't believe me please check here and check her YouTube interview for yourself.

Do you see, Oprah success is also real.. VERY REAL!

I hope you can see by now that The Science of Getting Rich is much more than a hype or marketing scoop.

It has produced wealth and success that are as real and measurable!
Just do a little research and you'll find hundreds of people and products and projects that has succeeded immensely while applying the timeless princinples of the Science of Getting Rich!

And the great news is:


Check out this incredible program taught by three of the most famous teachers in the world today.

Thanks for your attention!
I will keep you updated in the coming emails with more exciting news about this incredible program, and I will tell you more about the 3 world-class experts who will be teaching you in this program.
Really, who is better than Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Bernard Beckwith to guide into achieving abundance into your life!

It's time YOU believe that this is REAL!
It's time you produce REAL ABUNDANCE into your life TOO!

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