Monday, July 11, 2011

Star Wars Jedi Skills Now Revealed - Learn How to Bend Reality!

You've seen the Jedi amazing skills in Star Wars, right?

How they move objects around the air with their mind power!
Juggle balls in the space by merely looking at them!
Bending steel spoon with their concentration!!
That's incredible!

How can they do that?

Oh.. it's just a movie, science fiction! Correct?
These things don't exist in real life, how can they?
There is no way to change things except with our hands and physical efforts. Right?


New science is showing that our brains' vibrations do affect our reality!

Old spirituality has always said the same thing too!
You've heard about the law of attraction right?
Like attract like?
You've heard about quantum physics correct?
Thoughts become things?
You've heard about placebo effect?
How believes change the outcome of medical experiments!

It seems that the Jedi Masters skill was not so much of a science fiction!

WOW would't you want to learn how the Jedis do it?
What would you give to have this kind of power?
Can you imagine what you can accomplish in life if you have this Jedi skill?
That would be amazing!

But what's most amazing is that now YOU can learn the Jedi skill too!

The secret is now revealed!
OK I admit you might not be able straight away to move water from the bottle to the cup with your mind!
Or to juggle balls in the air!
But what you'll be able to do is actually far more useful!

How about learning to attract to yourself encounters, persons and resources that would help you in realizing your life dreams?

How about experiencing amazing circumstances that would seem like miracles and that would support you in your life direction?
How about manifesting the right connections, the right coincidences, at just the right time??

The wonderful skill is now REVEALED! It's called Bending Reality!

It is the science of shaping your life by aligning your thoughts, intentions, desires and believes!

Watch this great FinerMinds presentation and learn for yourself!

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